What is Health Screening?
Screening enables you to find out if you have a particular disease or condition even if you do not have any symptoms and/or signs of diseases. Early detection of a disease means that you can get treatment early and achieve good control of the condition thus avoiding major surgery or procedure and its associated complications.
What is the National Health Screening Programme (NHSP)?
The National Health Screening Programme (NHSP) is a nation-wide health screening programme organized by the Ministry of Health which offers Brunei citizens and permanent residents from at-risk age group screening tests for cardiovascular risk factors and cancers such as colorectal, breast and cervical cancers, based on scientific recommendations.
What if I am not eligible for the programme (e.g. 35-year-old local or an expatriate) but would still like to be screened?
It is recommended for you to visit your General Practitioner (GP) doctor or healthcare provider for a consultation and get the appropriate advice.
Are there any risks associated with screening?
Any screening tests or tools used are not 100% accurate or reliable. There is a chance that the test used might not be able to detect a particular disease, leading to false negative results. A false negative result means that the result is normal, when in fact, the person actually has the disease. On the other hand, it is also possible that the test will give a false positive result. A false positive result means that the result is abnormal, when in fact the person does not have the disease. This may lead to further unnecessary tests which may have its own associated risks or complications.
How do I participate in the screening programme?
For cardiovascular risk factors or colorectal cancer screening programme:
Individuals who are interested and eligible to participate in the above screening programmes will need to fill in a registration form that is available at all health centres or also downloadable from the NHSP website. Once the form has been filled, you may drop it off at allocated labeled trays/dropbox at your area health centre.
Another way you can register is by registering directly at our NHSP website and in order to register, individuals will be required to login via eDarussalam account.
If you are eligible, an appointment date and time will be given for you to be seen in your catchment area health centre. Please note that if you do not have any BRUHIMs number, you will need to register first.
For breast cancer or cervical cancer screening programme:
Women who are interested and eligible to participate in the above screening programmes may visit and register at your nearest Well Women Clinic.
For cervical cancer screening programme, if you are younger than 38 years old then you have to register at your nearest Health Centre.
Can I have my health screening at health centres other than my catchment area health centres?
It is highly advisable for participants to conduct their health screenings at their respective health centres where they are registered. This is to allow for smooth implementation of the programme as each health centre has been designed to cater for its catchment population.
Do I need to pay if I participate in this screening programme?
You will have to pay for the $1 registration fee when you attend your clinic appointments and any other charges according to the usual Ministry of Health Scheme of Charges.